Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's 2014

All of my best decisions came about as New Year's Resolutions, in some weird fashion.

In the fall of 1999, Andrew asked me to marry him. We wanted a June wedding and felt that we just wouldn't have time to get things together and set our date for 2001. However, once the holidays were over, we opted to change our plans and on January 1st 2000, we made the decision o do whatever we needed to to get married that year and so we were married on June 10th, 2000. One of the hottest days on record, 90 degrees before noon.

On September 11, 2001 the world became a horrible place for our nation. Just prior to that day, as a couple we had decided we needed to change our fortune in order to start a family. I turned in my application to attend nursing school, we had a plan. The months following the attack though put the world in sharper relief for us. On January 1st, 2002 we decided that we did not want to wait until after nursing school to start a family. No one would use terror to keep us from finding love and bringing more love into the world. It was clear to us that if the world needed something, it was more love. Our first child, Kate, was born January 3, 2003. 

I finished nursing school and started my new job as a nurse. I knew if Kate was going to have any siblings, we needed to address that soon. On January 1, 2006, in keeping with our incredibly good track record we came together as a family and once again called upon the Spirit of the New Year to bring us a blessing, we resolved to add more love to our lives. After a very difficult pregnancy, Thomas joined our family and shared a birthday with Andrew on Spetember 29, 2006. 

Many years have passed and I have not much thought about New Year's Resolutions. I don't seek to lose weight or stop cussing or give up smoking. Long ago I came to the place where I love myself to the best of my ability and accept my faults with as much grace as I can muster. However, this year is different. The past few years have been very difficult and I have battled Depression and Anxiety. I have spent many hours talking with my therapist, accepted my body's inability to function properly and been on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications for two years longer than I wanted to be. When I last tried to go off my medications, I weaned myself but the side effects were terrible. I have never once considered ending my own life until I was 40 years old and going through withdrawal. I had not choice, I resumed my meds at higher doses for my own sanity.

Now I stand at a place where I have a beautiful family, a job I enjoy and this coming year holds something that the last few years have not - a clear sense of great opportunity waiting to be taken, held and called my own. I want this and I want it on my terms. I have been weaning myself again, much slower this time and there have been no side effects. I am ready to take the next step, to reduce my meds below any amount I have ever been at before. I had decided to wait until after the holidays and then realized the perfect moment was about to present itself.

This year I will be making my first real New Year's Resolution in 8 years. This year I resolve to become fully myself again and to go forward into the new year as the best person I can be. Each Resolution in the past brought with it the birth of a new creation, a married couple and two children. This year it will be my re-birth if you will. While I know it sounds overly dramatic (and if you know me, I know drama), it is something that I owe myself and my family. I need to break free from what has kept me down and I need to be fully in this world. There's a lot of work to be done and I need to get to it.

Happy New Year's everyone.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Spoilers, Sweetie, spoilers

Unless you are living under a rock, you know today is Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Day.

While the real world has laid me low, few things make me happier than Doctor Who. This isn't a true blog entry, but an invitation to you Who Fans for a safe place to discuss whatever you like on my Facebook Community -

G-R-P Doctor Who Spoiler Thread

If you aren't ready or able to watch the episode yet, fear not, it will be there when you are ready and it will all be contained so you can still enjoy our community of geeks and nerds.

Please join us and enjoy maximized empowerment.

#doctorwho, #maximizedempowerment

Monday, November 11, 2013

Confessions of Nerd Girl

Dear Peter Jackson,

I loved your treatment of the LotR trilogy and I was very excited to hear you were going to film "The Hobbit". Like many I was quite curious to see what you were going to glean from the numerous secondary sources Mr. Tolkien wrote to pull out THREE epic films.

I was also delighted to hear that you were going to include appearances from The Nine in homage, they all seemed to really enjoy their time filming the original movies and who doesn't like to spend some time with their mates?

What I do not understand, nor can I really find a place in my heart to tolerate is your insistence at pushing Legolas to what appears to be a prominent role in the next two parts of "The Hobbit". I understand there is a place for him in the story, he could be conceivably the right elf in the right place. Story continuity is great. But now that I have seen the previews, Mr. Jackson, you have put more screen time into Legolas in the trailers than he should rightfully have in the whole film.

Please do not misunderstand me, my heart races a little when he draws his bow or wields his double blades, he is a magnificent elf who can eat crackers in my bed anytime. But he does not belong in these films. 

More importantly, who are you to write fanfic and give him a girlfriend? You have taken such great care and consideration until now. What were you thinking? 

Those who know me know that the presence of women in media, geekdom and nerddoms are near and dear to my heart. Nothing makes me happier than to see gender not be a consideration in casting decisions. But you have gone too far, Mr. Jackson. You have added a storyline that already detracts from the story and the movie hasn't even been released. Legolas' love life is not the subject of "The Hobbit". You have diluted your own work and for what? 

I can assure you the women that you hoped to attract by this addition would have come to see a brief glimpse of Orlando Bloom revisit his former role and they would have gone home to happily dream up their own fanfic. We do not need your assistance in this matter. 

What you have done has made me a very cranky potential viewer, because now I must endure your fanfic while I try to watch around it to see Bilbo infiltrate Smaug's lair, which is actually part of the plot of "The Hobbit". You have introduced an unnecessary distraction. I am disappointed, sir. I had hoped for better from you.

Nerd Girl

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cancer Sucks, part 2

As promised, I have sent questions to two gamers who are near and dear to my heart who were unfortunately diagnoses with breast cancer. Our second guest is the effervescent Madelyn Levine.

G-R-P: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your gaming background. 

Maddie: I am 33 years old and grew up in Lynchburg Virginia with my parents and younger sister. I was the yearbook photographer for 3 years in High School and went to Bridgewater College with a degree in History with a minor in Spanish. When I was in college I met my ex-fiance and he brought me to my first LARP. I have been playing in OWBN for 13 almost 14 years now and I have been loving it ever since. I think the thing that keeps me enjoying it is a refuse to be a Coord, a Council Member, or an ST. I like to think of myself as Dorothy, I pay no attention to the man behind the curtain and stay blissfully ignorant of the qualities that make people leave or enjoy the game less. 

I have played a few tabletop games but find them to be a little too math heavy for my taste. I enjoy playing Munchkin and Cards against Humanity. I also enjoy playing Cranium, Mahjong, Wise and Otherwise, Bethump'd, and Trivial Pursuit among other board games.

When did you first suspect you had beast cancer? 

On July 4th of 2009 I came home and felt a lump, probably the size of a lemon, in my left breast. I thought I had just bruised it rough housing in the pool with my friend's daughters. I left it alone for 3 months because I thought it was just a deep tissue bruise and needed time for the blood to get reabsorbed or dissipate.

When were you diagnosed? How old were you at that time?

I then had an appointment with my OBGYN in October and told her about the lump that I thought was a bruise. A week later I had an ultrasound. Then a week or two later I had an appointment with a breast surgeon and she just thought it was fat necrosis but ordered a biopsy anyway. I had one and it was kinda painful. I came back a week later, alone, because she made it sound like it wasn't anything too serious. She told me I had cancer. I was 29. Alone in the exam room and my world was crashing down. She let me borrow her office to call my Mom and my husband, Sooper. I then went for my first appointment with my oncologist, Dr. Felice. I had a PET scan and found out that it had metastasized to my liver, lungs, and spine.
How old were you when you started treatment? 

On December 8th, 2009 I had my port put in and on December 21st 2009 I had my first chemotherapy treatment. I had chemo for 10 months and then started having toxicity issues and stopped treatment for a few months, then started back on a different drug for 6 more months. Then on August 7th 2010 I had a lumpectomy. Then in October 2010 had radiation. Since July of 2010 I have been on Tamoxifen. 

How has breast cancer affected your day to day life? 

 I started feeling well enough to work for about 2 months in early 2012 and because the job was unrealistic in it's expectations I had to leave. I started using a representative with the Department of Rehabilitative Services but they weren't able to find anything for me. I will eventually go back to them again, hopefully at the beginning of 2014. 

I had a recurrence of cancer in my hips in 2012, had radiation, and still have pain in my hips that I think I finally have under control. Because of all the pain meds I've been on I was hospitalized for a week and a half in September of 2013 with severe vomiting for about 3 weeks and I hope that won't happen again. 

For now I am just trying to feel better and get back on a normal sleep schedule as the steroids I was on when I was on Chemo caused me to have insomnia, which I still suffer from even now. 

Your ability to game? You play Nosferatu, did you use your appearance in 
character in any way? 

 I did have times when I wasn't able to game due to nausea, or tiredness, or just generally out of sorts and I know I was missed and worried about.When I started losing all of my hair in clumps I eventually just shaved it down with my husband's beard trimmer. I never went so far as shaving it with a razor. Some of my friends as a show of solidarity shaved their heads and it made me proud and it made me feel loved. I mostly just lived in a bandana, a hat, or sometimes a wig when I was feeling adventurous, cold, or exotic. I eventually had my hair grow back and now it's just on my nerves. I had to relearn how to have hair, it being on my neck, the warmth of it, and putting it up so it isn't in my face. 

My Nos didn't really have any issues because the specific repugnant traits for her are tusks and elfy ears. It was easier to do the ears when I didn't have hair in the way.

How has the gaming community helped you through this time? 

My friends at game were the thing that spurred me on the most. They started a SooperMad retest and raised money for Sooper and I to function in our everyday lives. I look forward to playing weekly and still have little time that I leave the house during the week so most of my weekends are spent with friends and hanging out with them and gaming. 

Have you been determined to be cancer free? When did that happen? 

I was originally deemed to be in remission in June of 2011 but had a recurrence in 2012 so it's complicated. For now i'm stable nothing growing or changing. 

What issues still give you difficulty? 

Because the radiation weakened my bones a bit and the cancer in my spine is hard to treat I still have bone treatments monthly to strengthen my bones to keep the cancer from getting back in to them. Because my cancer is estrogen positive I also have shots to shut down my reproductive system so I have no estrogen created in my body. I am in chemically induced menopause and probably will be for the next few years. Breast cancer is said to have 5 year recurrence rate so I expect to be a few more years still in this process.

What, if anything, positive things have you been able to take away from this experience? 

One of the positives I have taken away from all of this is that modern medicine has come along way. Ten or more years ago my cancer diagnosis would have been more of a death sentence. Modern medicines, nutrition, radiation, and chemotherapy and how they interact, the research of how they work, and all the studies to get where we are today medically are very appreciated. Sometimes you just see people as awful human beings, stupid, violent, uncaring, and selfish. Another positive is that I saw the soft underbelly of humanity and the charity that raised some money to help me in my recovery journey. Scares That Care was always a charity I was involved with periferally but not directly. A lot of charities make money for themselves first and only really give a small percentage of that money to an actual cause. There are few genuine charities where 100% of the proceeds go to the recipient or recipients; Scares That Care is one of those charities. The people who run the charity are volunteers and make no money off of the donations and genuinely help 3 struggling families a year with various conditions yearly. 

What do you think others should know about cancer, gaming or in general? 

My advice is just to know your body. Whether you do it yourself, make it part of your sexual experiences, or have a doctor examine you, feel every part of your body, look at freckles and moles, evaluate if something you think might be a minor issue could be something more serious. Get a physical sometimes. Every year may not be possible but at least see a doctor a few times when you aren't sick to evaluate anything troubling, something that feels or looks wrong, or if you are coughing up, peeing, pooping, or excreting blood from anywhere. It could save your life or the lives of others if you see someone ignore something or ignore it yourself.

As for gaming you should at least once in your life play something that is the exact opposite of your personality and lifestyle. I'm not saying you should take up playing a racial supremacist with a penchant for necrophilia, just that if your a quiet or shy person you should play a loud person boisterous person just to see if you can.

Once again, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Please remember to complete your self-exams monthly and take the best care of yourself you can. 1 in 8 women (approximately 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer in their life time. Breast cancer isn't just a disease of women, approximately 2,200 new cases of breast cancer is diagnosed in men each year, about 1:1,000. 

You can find more information at the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month website, the Susan G. Komen site, and the American Cancer Society website

Enjoy Maximized Empowerment!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

No matter where you go, there you are. ~ Buckaroo Bonzai

This has been a week of revelations for me, some for the better some not so much.

I had the distinct pleasure of going out on a date with my (second) best guy, my son Thomas. Last night was the Mother - Son Social at school. We got our Halloween costumes on and headed out. We had a lot of fun, until we got to the dancing portion of the night.

Thomas loves to dance and I love to dance. But I haven't danced or participated in any real physical activity for some time. The past couple of years have been rough, but I underestimated how low my stamina had gotten. A couple energetic dances in and I was done. It was a real eye opener. We stayed for a while and he did have a good time, I just wish that it had gone better on my end.

I have resolved to improve my physical activity, which with winter rolling in early, could be tricky. I will not allow my body to prevent me from spending time with those who matter most to me. I will not embrace the "Thin or Else" message we see in today's society. I will communicate with my children that my reasons are for the purposes of better health. I doubt any of that will be necessary, since they seem well grounded, but I over prepare.

In keeping with the message of self-love and being with my family, the past three weeks I implemented "girl time" with Kate, which has mostly been us doing each other's nails and hanging out for a bit. It has afforded us about an hour of time where we can sit down at a table together, share some physical contact of a nurturing king and talk about whatever. Today Kate told me she really likes doing this. I felt that little thrill of victory, knowing that in the years to come this closeness might ebb and flow, but at least for this moment I know I have beaten this particular level's boss fight.

Being healthy is not just a body or mind thing, it's a holistic and whole person kind of thing. I am happy with who I am on the inside, now I need to get the outside back up to par because there are more adventures waiting to be conquered!

Enjoy Maximized Empowerment!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cancer Sucks, Part 1

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer, any cancer, strikes the fear in the hearts of people when they hear it. I have several friends who were all told at one time or another that they had breast cancer. Fortunately all of them are survivors. If there is one thing I have learned from my time as an oncology nurse and supportive friend, you can never love your friends enough, you never know how or when, but you do know you will never have enough time with them.

Two of my friends have been gracious enough to share their stories with me and you. I know both of these wonderful ladies from my time in the One World by Night gaming organization (old World of Darkness). Ironically, they both played Nosferatu.

First up, Mary-An Tedder of California.

GRP: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your gaming background. 

M-A:    Ah, the dreaded, "tell me about yourself" question... Well, My name is Mary-An, I'm a shy introvert who still wants social interaction and somehow ended up playing an extroverted harpy, among other things.  I love gardening, animals, reading, writing, music, cooking, creating things from silly paper snowflakes to ball gowns... and gaming.  When it isn't too full of drama, anyway.  

     What I like most about gaming is the social interaction and the acting.  For a shy person, that sheet of paper is a safety net, in a way.  It gives you a sense of both freedom and protection, because it's "someone else" that people see.  And then, later, when the paper goes away (as all characters do), the people around you are already people you know, who may or may not have character sheets that you also know.

     I have done RPing of various types for most of my life, but LARP was different.  Something my then-teenage son found that we went to check out, to see if we thought it was something he could do (he wasn't 18 yet).  We ended up making characters and staying, in addition to signing his permission slip.  And it was addictive.

     I am a massage therapist by trade, have been for many years.  My job is not a high-stress one most of the time.  This does not always apply to the rest of my life, though, and I am unfortunately just a bit too empathetic at times for my own good.

     MY cancer was a complete surprise.  I and most of the people around me had been ill with a flu that included swollen lymph nodes, so when I found a swollen node in my armpit, I wasn't surprised.  My partner had one, too, and was recovering, and my symptoms were lessening.  Then it suddenly went from the armpit to my right breast, swollen and warm.  Obviously this was not normal... so I went to the doctor.  She thought the flu had led to mastitis and sent me home with antibiotics.

     We decided to do a mammogram anyway, just to be safe, and the doctor wrote the recommendation in such a way that if needed, an untrasound or something could also be done.  When the mammogram showed a small mass but was inconclusive as to what type (it could have just been swelling or infection), the ultrasound was done.  It, too, proved inconclusive, and the tech asked if I wanted to go ahead and do an untrasound- assisted biopsy.  I agreed.  I still didn't think it would be cancer - after all, I mostly tend to eat very healthy things, I get over illnesses quickly, and all of that, right?

     Meanwhile, my poor partner has been waiting for hours, wondering and worrying that I haven't come back out.  Finally, someone told her that more tests were being done.  At which point, she claims she knew it was cancer, but hoped she was wrong.  Turns out she was right.  The biopsy came back positive for cancer.

     I was 45 years old, and I had breast cancer.  I was... less than thrilled.  This happened in May of 2010.  A lumpectomy was recommended, and I began chemotherapy against my better judgement (I react weirdly to most meds, and chemo meds are something I didn't want to have a freaky reaction to).  There was a great deal of pressure to follow the standard treatment, both from the medical profession and from family.

     Cancer itself wasn't actually that hard to live with - after that first week, there was no swelling, little pain, nothing. Until I started treatment..  That was hard, but only sometimes.  Several days, I couldn't get out of bed because my legs wouldn't work.  It was almost like I had MS.  Other times, I was fine.  I became afraid to make any commitments to anything because I never knew if I would be able to do anything.  My attendance at game (or anywhere) became spotty.

     On the other hand, when I called for a head-shaving and henna party, many of my friends from Game showed up to show their support (and to get henna tats).  I put Heather Pope on the spot, and she ended up doing intricate henna artwork all over my entire head after it was shaved (by my poor, terrified partner).  Actually, I kind of liked the way my head looked bald and covered with henna.

     My Nosferatu had a burned appearance, and most of the princes wanted all Nosferatu to look "presentable", so she tended to wear wigs and other such IC costuming.  Which means that any changes in my appearance from cancer didn't really fit with my Nos's appearance or were covered by her usual costuming.  At least, until I had a mastectomy (the lumpectomy didn't work).  Then, the uneven breasts did sort of fit the character concept.

     On the nights I was able to go to game, I enjoyed the time away from doctors all the more.  I did have to stop being an archon, because I couldn't be available enough of the time for it.  I NEEDED the time away, I needed the interaction that made me come out of myself because otherwise I tended to hermit away or become depressed.  (I swear hermit can be a verb!)  So gaming did help me.  I know I made a lot of people feel awkward, because they didn't know what to say, but they didn't ostracize me or anything (which in my worst moments I was afraid of happening).

     As of my last tests, I was cancer free, but it's time again to get them, and I have been having some symptoms again.  Hopefully those symptoms are only from the nerve damage the surgery caused me and not more cancer.  I am hopeful.  This whole thing is not exactly a battle with cancer, but often a battle with the insurance companies, who often try to get out of paying for expensive treatments, sometimes doctors and technicians (you really have to be your own advocate, or you will be treated like a statistic or a number if you're not careful).

     Here is a link to a song, "The Bald-headed Blues" by Saffire, that sort of fits my idea of this:     

     Issues that still give me difficulty:  While I was unable to work from surgery recovery (which had a few minor complications that made the recovery take longer than usual), many of my massage clients found other therapists.  After a year of not being able to do massage because it is such a physical job, I had only a few clients left.  A few returned, of course.  So at a time when I needed all the money I could get to try to recoup all the money spent on treatments, I had a lessened income.  

     I suspect this is probably true of most people who don't have mostly sedentary jobs.  I had been told it would be only a few months recovery... until they heard what I did.  Then the time kept extending.  This of course means we got way behind financially, something we are still struggling with.

    A nerve under my arm was cut, leaving me with a large area of numbness under my arm, down my side and down my arm.  It feels heavy, often cold, and a weird tingly-numb semi-swollen sensation all the time that is just strange, but mostly doesn't actually interfere with doing anything unless I have actually overdone it and it really is swollen (as opposed to only feeling like it is).

     I look older, and my hair came back in all grey and thin (a bit of a shock, since I wasn't gray before and have always had very thick hair), and has a completely different texture that I have a hard time styling.  My eyebrows still haven't really come back and are only half there.  And, of course, there are scars that sometimes hurt or itch.

     Mostly, in other words, I am still me, I'm still fine, and cancer has affected me in a lot of ways, but I have not been devastated by it.  I count myself as the winner in this.

GRP: What do people need to know about cancer or gaming?  

M-A: Well, when someone is trying to find their way through any kind of serious condition (cancer being only one of them), drama of any kind isn't helpful.  Telling them the things they "should have done" to prevent its occurrence (most of which I had done anyway, and some of which were kind of crazy), or the things they should be doing now to "get over it" doesn't help them, unless they ask.  Trust me, they've already heard it, most likely, and are already wondering whether or not doing just that one thing different might have made a difference.

    On the other hand, being there for them in any way IS helpful, as long as you let them rest when they're tired.  If you want to go over and help them, do so... but don't just hang around, unless that's what they ask you to do.  DO something.  Wash some dishes,  Take/make them a dinner (and make sure they aren't on a special diet, or if they are, make something that fits it).  Wash a load or two of clothes.  Mow the lawn.  Anything.  It may embarrass them, but it really does help.  

     I got help during chemo from a church and from friends, but by the time surgery came around, the church people were gone and many of the other people who'd been helping weren't able to help any more.  So when I needed it most after surgery, most of the help I was getting was gone.  Now, don't get me wrong; that doesn't mean that the help they had given before was any less helpful or that I blamed my friends for having lives, but maybe if it could have been spread out somehow instead of all at the beginning, it would have been easier for me... if not for them.  I don't like the way that sounds, because I'm not whining; I'm really trying to help the next person that might be affected.  Oh, well.

     Anyway... I hope that helps.

GRP: Thank you Mary-An for sharing your story with us. When the initial flurry of diagnosis is over, a lot of times people don't realize just what a long haul journey beating cancer can be. You have always been a great friend to me. Thank you for allowing me to celebrate your life!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Hope is a waking dream" ~ Aristotle

I will be having major surgery at the end of this month. As such, I have to have blood work and doctor visits to verify that I am healthy enough to undergo said surgery. On Thursday I went to the lab for my blood draws and I met the most amazing woman. 

Our conversation started as they all do in my case, I share more information than strictly necessary and she shares in equal amounts. My phlebotomist, I will call her J, has had the same procedure I am having and we discuss how necessary it is and how great it will be once it's done. I mention that I do not want to remain in the hospital overnight on 23 hour obs. I will not need much and the thought of being in a hospital where there will be people who will really need their staff, I feel like I am an unnecessary burden that could be avoided.

J then shares with me that she feels very much the same way because while she has terminal brain cancer, she is still able to function fully.

Terminal brain cancer. I had to think about that. She appeared to be a fully functional and productive member of society. J was drawing my blood and holding a conversation with me. She then revealed that she had lived a full year past her original life expectancy and that during her year of very aggressive chemo she only missed 5 days of work. She stated that she could not leave her husband and children, she loved them too much to give in.

I was a nurse on an oncology unit for a year, I watched and worried for my patients as they underwent  treatments. I held them when the pain was too much, shaved their heads when more of their hair was out than in, I watched them take their last breaths and cried with their families after our last good-bye. 

J was all smiles and laughter. She made my day bright and left me with a spring in my step and the echo of the mantra "cancer sucks".  Not every person who discovered they have cancer perseveres with such success and grace. But J showed me that no matter how bad of a hand you are dealt, you get to play the cards the way you want to play them. Mind over matter can work, medical studies show test subjects who receive placebo report improvement too.

Hope is a waking dream, choosing to make your own path and make it successful is a maximized empowerment we are all born with. Find your inner power and use it to the best of your abilities.

Enjoy Maximized Empowerment everyone! And if you would, spare some warm thoughts for all the cancer survivors out there. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Know thy self, know thy enemy" ~ Sun Tzu

As I mentioned in a previous post, in order to help combat bullying aimed at my daughter, we are having some "girl time". With Halloween coming up, we did something actually "girlie" we painted our nails. I haven't painted my nails since before Kate was born, so it's been a while, but I realized that she may want to be the kind of girl who does that, so what the heck.

During our mani time, I dropped the words "geek" and "nerd" in some context regarding myself and her response surprised me. Kate said, "I don't like to use those words." So I dug deeper and asked her why.

"People use those words around me and they sound like insults," she replied. "But I don't know what they mean."

I saw the opportunity and took it. "Geeks and nerds are people who tend to like technology, science and math."

She jumped up in her chair and stated, "Well I like those things! I guess I am a geek and a nerd."

"Words are just words, Kate. No one can insult you if you own who you are and how you view yourself. There is nothing wrong with loving math and science and gaming and books. You can be whatever you like. Own what you are sweetheart, and no one can take that away from you."

We had a great time and now she has ladybugs on her fingernails.

Own who you are, don't let anyone else make it ugly or unbecoming. You are the best person you can be. Have a great week and enjoy Maximized Empowerment.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Yesterday while my morning commute I heard this piece on NPR -
I invite you to listen to the piece, it's enlightening and frightening.

Once upon a time, it was thought that women didn't get "men's" diseases, like heart disease or lung cancer. And then women entered the work place and it became acceptable for them to smoke tobacco and suddenly, women were diagnosed with heart disease and lung cancer. Even now medical studies tend to exclude women from test groups because of hormonal differences. Men have hormone cycles too, they just cycle every 24 hours. Research has shown that medications work differently on men and women, so studies have broadened their scope to actually look at those differences so medical professionals can treat accordingly.

Now, the problem of body image crosses the gender gap in the opposite direction. While listening to the piece on the radio all I could think about is how this is so like the small number of men who get breast cancer. How hard it must be for them to have to go through a disease process that no one has really conceived as being a "guy" problem.

Body image issues have been a topic of conversation for many years which provoked mock ups of what Barbie would look like if she were "real", long, dangerously thin women who would not have enough room for all internal organs or able to stand up right; side by side images of celebrities in before and after airbrushing; even actress Keira Knightley was outraged at being given a bigger bosom for ads for movie "King Arthur".

I confess, I did not consider that the ever increasing photos of ripped men might begin to prey upon the minds and bodies of young men. As a women who is not by any stretch the "ideal" female, I have had to come to terms with my own imperfections, which I will not list here, I came to terms with them. I am going to share how I came to terms with them though.

I struggled with my weight throughout school, until one day I hit High School. My activity level went up and my eating went down because I found theater. I was on stage crew, which led to friends that I could hang out with and do things with. I began to lose weight without any true effort on my part because my metabolism cranked into high gear, as most teens' metabolisms do, who hasn't heard about the legendary appetites of growing children?

One evening at a music event, a young man that I had gone to school with earlier and I met up again, after he went to a different high school. He was astonished. At first he wasn't sure I was who he thought I was and then he said to me, "Wow, you lost a ton of weight. You're hot now."

In that crystal moment I realized that I was the very same person he knew a couple of years earlier and treated like crap and now he wanted to be my friend. The only thing that had changed was how I looked to him, on my outside. My inside still found him repulsive because of how he had treated me and I knew he had not changed on the inside either. I thanked him for the compliment and went forward in my life never giving much concern again to what my bathroom scale said.

This is not to say that I am saying anyone should eat until they cannot get out of their homes. My weight has taken it's toll on me physically, leading to medications for hypertension and surgeries for things that might have otherwise been unnecessary if I had not been overweight. But I have never hung my happiness on my waistline, it is what I carry in my heart and share with those I love.

I am sorry to see men fall into the same traps that women have been falling into regarding where they put their self worth. I hope that the broadening epidemic of poor self image is the slap in the face manufacturers, marketers and the population at large needs. We cannot continue to hate ourselves to death.

This week I challenge you to compliment someone every day for something other than how they look. I also challenge you to compliment yourself everyday for something wonderful about you.

Enjoy Maximized Empowerment!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Captain of this Ship

It's been almost two weeks since I took leave of my senses and decided to put my personal life and opinions on public display. It has been an incredibly liberating and humbling experience. So many of my friends and family have been supportive in ways I never expected. Complete strangers have said the nicest things to me. It gives me a sense of deep optimism about this endeavor.

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself properly, to give my readers context about me and help promote understanding in this flawed media. 

My name is Monica and I am at this time a 42 year old woman, who identifies with the gender I was assigned at birth. I am in a committed heterosexual relationship with my husband, Andrew. We have two children, Kate, 10, and Thomas, 6. We are all gamers of some variety or other. Andrew is mostly a table top gamer. Kate and Thomas are mostly electronic gamers, due in part to their earlier inability to read, write and do math, as they get older, they are becoming table top gamers as well. I am quite a bit of both. 

I am a direct person, who says things directly. Sometimes it sounds really great in my head, but when it gets out of my head and on paper, well, it is definitely not what I meant to say. I hope that you will give me a chance and try to understand what it is I am actually trying to say. I will never be offended by a person who is trying to convey their message with our inadequate form of communication, coupled with the one dimensional media of the internet. If I say something that is offensive, please ask me to clarify respectfully. It is never my intention to offend or hurt another person. Or at least, not in an off-handed casual way. I have an odd and sarcastic sense of humor. A lot of times the strangest things amuse me and they simply don't make sense outside of my head.

I started my gaming career with Atari's Pong. I'm not sure why my parents bought it, but who cared!? It was great. I quickly became addicted to Atari's Adventure when it became available. I spread my gaming wings at arcades and the bowling alley, where they also had arcade games. I loved Dragon's Lair (thank goodness someone finally posted the game all the way through on Youtube, I never did win), Gauntlet, Spy Hunter and many others. I may have dated a guy who worked at the local arcade for free games. I was young, we all make bad decisions.

I remember when I was a freshman in High School we had a family game night at the school and some of my fellow classmates, all boys, were just sitting around a table, with paper and dice. I was able to find out that they were playing AD&D, although they didn't really seem open to my joining their campaign. Their lack of desire to have me join was all I needed to get myself to the local bookstore and acquire my very own Red Box Edition. Forget those jerks, I didn't need them! I had a younger brother that I could pretty much talk into doing anything at least once. 

My guess is we did it all wrong, but we sure had a good time doing whatever it was we were doing. Our table top gaming didn't last very long because we had our Nintendo and we had to figure out all the finishing moves in "Mortal Kombat". We had our priorities. I discovered comic books to supplement my voracious sci-fi and fantasy reading habit at this time as well. Life was good then.

As the years past, I still loved video games. I went on to finish college with a degree in Biology, because Madeleine L'Engle made me do it. I still read fantasy and sci-fi books like a fiend, but table top gaming wasn't something that I was participating in, I didn't really even know where to look for a group had I wanted to. 

Then my little brother came to me one day in the mid '90's and said "Hey, there's this game, where you pretend to be vampires, and you dress up and walk around. You want to go with me?!" How could I say "No" to something like that? So, I went and had my first experience in White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade. I met my husband that very first night. I met a lot of people who are still my friends to this day. Gaming changed my life in a very good way. 

I found people who all enjoyed a lot of the same kinds of things I liked. We would stay up ridiculously late talking about "personal horror" and what it meant to us. We would see movies together, I was invited to other games, which led to my deep love for Werewolf: The Apocalypse. And pretty much every other line WW had to offer. It was at this time I also discovered CCG's and played in many L5R tournaments, including winning a best of three at Origins. It was pretty awesome. Unicorn Clan rocks, who doesn't love running down their enemies on horseback?

My husband also had a deep fondness for D&D, so we added it to our regular rotation. When we discovered we were expecting our first child, we had a sit down, heart to heart talk about how maybe "personal horror" wasn't the kind of game we should be playing where our young, impressionable children might overhear us. We moved our WW books to the shelves and moved more firmly into 3.0 then 3.5.

It was a sad day when WoTC announced that they were thinking about going to 4.0, but they didn't know what they were really going to do. They waffled around. They stopped having Paizo publish Dungeon and Dragon. I still really miss those publications, that's where I discovered Wil Wheaton wasn't a jerk, after all, but a really cool gamer dad, who knew? And on and on, WoTC seemed lost. So, we waited, along with all the good people at Paizo and when they decided they were going to take the proverbial bull by the horns, we hopped on the bull with them and what a ride it was. 

In the end, we had a shiny new Pathfinder and WotC was left in our dust. I have never once regretted our decision to go with the company that was open, honest and truly loved their fans. I was astonished at how respectful of their audience they were and genuinely interested in what we had to say. It was refreshing. It is has been our weekly game of choice here since 2008.

Even more time has passed and now we have two children. We recently funded Monte Cook's Numenera Kickstarter which was just magic to watch happen. We have enjoyed a whole new system of RP that is less crunchy and much easier to help bring our children to the table. Reading, writing and math aren't quite the struggle they once were and they have such creative minds, I love to watch them learn and think things through. It's fun to be a part of their problem solving process. Gaming has opened up a lot of topics of conversation that would never come up organically.

During all of this I was meeting new and interesting people. People who were not like me in many ways, but drawn together because of our hobby. People who were different ethnicity, sexual orientations, religions, and heaven only knew what, but they were all people and for the most part, really good people. 

Gaming has given me opportunities that I have not gotten anywhere else. I learned more about myself pretending to be other people than I thought imaginable. I learned more about other people than I could have ever done at home. I traveled, experienced new places and new ways of thinking and seeing things. I found a community of diverse and beautiful people. I want to give back to them and I want to celebrate who they are, so here we are, you, me and everyone else working toward Maximized Empowerment.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Where Angels Fear to Tread

As we approach October, National Bullying Prevention Month, I am faced with bullying on a personal front here at home. One of my reasons for pursing Gender-Role-Playing is directly related to the fact that I have a 10 year old daughter who loves things that girls are traditionally not supposed to love, history, math, science, fantasy, she's not a girlie girl. Many of us know now that that is a bunch of hogwash and girls can love whatever and whomever they like, but practical application of this process is still in it's early phases.

Through the years, my daughter has struggled with one of her greatest strengths, she is incredibly sensitive and kind to others. It's easy to see how this is also her greatest weakness, that is regularly exploited by others. But my Kate, she turns the other cheek. She would harm no other living creature of this I am certain. I am a strong willed, out spoken person. I have tried to teach her how to "tell someone off" but she comes back with things like, "But mom, I feel sorry for that person. They are just sad and angry because their parents are getting a divorce." And then I feel like the world's worst mother who has been taught a beautiful lesson in compassion by my own offspring. Having Kate in my life has by far made me a much better person. In return, I want to make the world a better place and more deserving of being in her presence.

This week has tested my family, because Kate is starting to show the signs of stress in ways that make me fear for her. Studies have shown that individuals who have been bullied are at greater risk for numerous issues, mental illness being one of them. The last few nights I have had very heady conversations with my daughter that I simply was not prepared for and last night she revealed she was scared of how she felt and that sometimes she just wanted to hurt herself.

Let that sink in, she is 10 years old.

We talked, we cried, we shared stories and we made a plan. Today I started the execution of that plan. I talked with my husband, then I contacted her school's Principle and Counselor, my parents (who watch my children while my husband and I both work) and my friends network. There is no way I can do this alone. There is no way my daughter can or should do this alone. I have faith in us to be able to come together and get through this difficult and frightening time.

So, where does the bullying come in? It manifests in a couple of subversive ways. There is a girl that has been a thorn in Kate's side for a while. This girl happens to be in Kate's class this year and unbeknownst to myself, they sit next to each other this year. This girl appears to have made it her life's goal to cut Kate down. She is dismissive and rude to Kate, deliberately and verbally excluding her from conversations with one of the girls Kate has been friends with since 1st grade. She herds the other girls so they don't engage with Kate in meaningful ways. My mother watched Kate sit at the lunch table with all the girls in her class and not a single girl spoke with my daughter. Kate is not being beat up, no one is harassing her, no one is threatening her. They have simply marginalized her to the point of deep and unending isolation. This is a torture worse than death.

Due to reasons the school has, which in many cases are valid, Kate cannot sit at another table. But I have gone to the people who can make the decision for an exception and I hope that this will change. I have every reasonable expectation that Kate will not be sitting next to this girl any longer in class. Possibly ever. We have made arrangements to spend more one on one time together as mother and daughter as well as try to find some time to hang out with friends outside of school.

My daughter is a resilient individual. She always has a bright smile and a bounce to her step. I will not allow anyone to take that away from her and I will continue to teach her how to protect herself from those who seek to do so.

Bullying comes in many shapes and sizes. Not all bullying is in your face, beat you up, take your lunch money. It can be nefarious, sneaky and underhanded too. At no point in time does one person *ever* have to make someone feel bad so that another can feel good about themselves. That is not how things have to work. It has been my experience that the very act of lifting another person up also lifts me up. I learned this mostly from my daughter.

When you see someone being treated poorly, do not assume that they deserve it. It is a pretty horrible person who deserves to be mistreated, I actually cannot think of any reason when that would be appropriate. Bullying will only stop if we intercede. Bullies will continue their bad behavior. It's scary to make yourself their target to protect someone else. However, I have never once regretted standing up for someone who couldn't stand up for themselves. Can you live with knowing you didn't stand up for someone when you could have?

As a community, gamers, geeks and nerds are frequently the targets of bullying and we shy away from it and those who engage in that behavior. Avoiding conflict is a lot easier, I get that. But, it's really hard to deal with the fall out of children killing themselves or their classmates, adults killing their coworkers, the list of tragedies goes on and on. The only way to stop bad things from happening is to stop the initial stimuli that started the whole ball rolling.

There are so many things that can, should and have been said about this topic, I'm certain I will speak on it again. Remember, you have the power to stop bad things from happening and be someone else's hero. If you're having a bad day, you do not have to pass it on to the next person. Bad days happen, but you get to choose how you react. Choose to be positive and proactive. Lift someone else up today. Tell someone how much you appreciated that little thing they did for you. Say "Please" and "Thank you" and mean it. Never let an occasion to praise someone pass you by. DO THIS EVERY DAY. Sometimes that's easier than others, the more you do it, the more it becomes a habit, the easier it becomes. We can end bullying, but we have to start and today I started in earnest. Today I rushed in where others have feared to go and I will continue to do so.

Love one another.

Edited for update: For those of you who expressed concern for my daughter's well-being after yesterday's Blog post, I wanted to let you all know that she is doing very well. Her teacher and school administrators take these things very seriously and addressed our concerns immediately. 

If you are having similar issues and you need some moral support, please do not hesitate to contact us here at G-R-P privately. We cannot fix the world, but we will stand with you while we try.

Remember to love one another.

There are a lot of great places to check out for anti-bullying information. For places to start, I recommend:

And if you or someone you love is having problems with bullies at school, contact the local administration. Do not stop fighting for your loved ones.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Not all those who wander are lost." ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Today marks the 76th publication anniversary of The Hobbit, another book near and dear to my heart and probably millions of others out there. The second part of the movie trilogy, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, releases December 13, 2013. There will undoubtedly be a lot of media coverage in the interim time, today will be no exception. This is not intended to be a predictive piece of writing, I am very excited about the second movie, I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on what it means to me to be a fan of a large franchise.

Books, comic books and their subsequent movies have been the topic of many conversations between their fans and critics alike. Which version is better? Which screenplay best captures the original material? Who played the best rendition of the hero/villain/sidekick? The conversations go on and on, sometimes resulting in very strong opinions and angry words. It is in this area of fandoms that I wish to hold my discussion, on the pervasive desire for some fans to be correct and sometimes combative about their opinions on their favorite subject matter.

When an author writes a story, they hope to communicate a set of emotions, thoughts, ideas and story elements to their audience, usually for the purpose of entertainment. Sometimes to convey information and often to provoke some critical thinking on the part of the reader. Some writers will tell you that their story means 'exactly this' while others will say 'it means whatever you think it means', either way, if they were a good communicator, you have a good idea of what the point of their piece was intended to be in the end.

However, when it comes to translating written works, which can have about 100k words, to movies, which average around 120 minutes, there is frequently something left out of the book in order to make a (hopefully) cohesive movie. Someone makes that decision, this can be the screenplay writer, the director, the producer, the editor or any combination of the above. Those individuals have favorite parts of the original material that means a lot to them. Sometimes they like parts of the original material that just doesn't do it for other fans. As more and more people become involved in the making of a feature length film, the more the influence of the team color and shape the film until it is difficult to tell where one person's thoughts ended and another's began.

I think I can say with some authority that writers and film makers do not deliberately set out to create bad books or movies. That simply does not seem like a successful business plan to me. If you're going to go into the entertainment industry in some fashion, you are likely to want to entertain some people, not offend or disgust them. Sadly, not all productions succeed at pleasing most of the people most of the time. It is unfortunate, but it does happen. The most important thing to remember when you are not satisfied with someone's interpretation of your favorite story: This does not invalidate your love for a fandom or the enjoyment you derived from the original source material.

No one can take away from you that which is inside of you. Ever. If you don't like one director's version of your favorite comic book character, then don't watch it. No one will ever be forced to watch Ben Affleck as Batman, I promise. The best advice I have for anyone is to give something a shot and try to enjoy it for it's own merit. I loved J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, but I don't think Chris Columbus approached the first two movies with a wide enough vision for laying the groundwork for the subsequent 6 movies. He focused on the very cool special effects, but left some of the small and seemingly unimportant throw off comments out of the film. Comments which Rowling hangs the plot for follow up stories on later down the line. Did this make Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone a terrible film? No, but it was hard to follow for those who had not read the books. In the case of some of my friends, they have sworn off the books, even though Ms. Rowling was in no way to blame for the condition of the film's storytelling flaws.

We were watching the film The Cabin in the Woods, which is full of names and faces I recognize and love. Now, a quick note about me, I try to avoid the hype leading up to film releases, because I firmly believe in enjoying a film for what it is, not what other people think it should be. So, I had a very small preconceived notion about what this film would be - a horror film of some kind with people in it that I liked. About halfway through the film I finally gave into my disappointment and said to my husband, "This is the worst horror film I have ever seen." It was then that he educated me by saying, "Honey, it's a farce. You know, like the Scream movies." A light bulb actually went off over my head. I had been watching the film all wrong! By refocusing my expectations to the the reality of the piece, I realized it was one of the best films of it's kind I had seen in a long time. It's fun and quirky, definitely a B-cult film by design and I enjoyed the rest of the movie greatly.

Being a member of the audience is really easy. Making something entertaining is really hard. As new comic book and novel inspired movies begin to make their way to us for the Holiday Season, please remember this: No one can take away how you feel, but you also cannot take away how someone else feels either. Every person has the privilege of deciding for themselves whether or not they want to fall in love with or dislike the same fandom you fell in love with or disliked. Their choice does not validate nor invalidate your choices and emotions. You may love or dislike the next big fan movie and that is your privilege to do so. It is also their privilege and my privilege to disagree with you. Let's just do it respectfully. Keep looking for the part in the story that makes you think and dream, even if it's for something better than what you just experienced. Maybe we'll both find a deeper appreciation for the next rendition of Batman or the New Jedi Order. Maybe we'll get lucky and we'll wander with purpose to the next great film.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Saving the Galaxy One Planet at a Time

Back before Facebook and Blogger, I used LiveJournal, I know, it was the land before time, we owned dinosaurs as pets too. I loved the opportunity that LJ provided, where I could put down long tracks of words that ran on for hours and may or may not have said something important. I called my LJ "Saving the Galaxy One Planet at a Time" and I meant in the sense that change starts locally and in small, manageable portions. Time has moved on and the Internet has grown social media to a point where people of like minds and interests are able to find one another without leaving their home town, country or time zone. The sharing of information has become rampant, spreading like wildfire, moving so quickly sometimes you miss something you wanted to see and didn't even know existed.

I'm a pretty slow moving creature at times. Things pass me by, I have to think about them, digest them slowly and make them a part of my paradigm. I suppose that makes me a Sarlacc in a way. However, once I find something I really like, it is with me forever, a part of me. Somewhere in my past, I decided I really liked the idea of helping people. It first stared with the book "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle, the book had science mixed with science fiction and mitochondrial DNA. I can't tell you how many crazy places that book and mDNA have guided me - through high school biology, a Bachelor's Degree in Biology, nursing license, on and on. That one book made me who I am today, because I knew in my young 9 year old soul that through science I could successfully help people have better lives than what they were living right now. I will admit, I am the most surprised by this revelation: It seems to have worked. I may not be rich and famous, but I am happy with where my life has brought me, that every day I make the lives of others better by my own existence. Real people actually have more fulfilling and satisfying lives because of me and the work I do. All because of a YA Sci-fi/fantasy novel I loved and still love to this day. That book made all the difference in my life and the One Planet I live on right now and the sphere of influence I occupy.

Today, I challenge you, look at your life, what matters to you? What can you change? What can or has changed you? Who can you influence to make this a better planet to live on? Can you and will you help me save the galaxy, one planet at a time?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Maiden Voyage

Welcome to Gender-Role-Playing.

This is my dream: to live in a world where people feel good about who they are and support others in their pursuit of self-love regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or other divergent preferences and beliefs.

How I hope to achieve this dream: by living a life that embodies these principles and reaching out to the portion of the population I know and love best, gamers. That will happen here in this blog, on Facebook at the community page, GenderRolePlaying, and hopefully one day through a sister podcast.

I am not a writer by any stretch, but I am passionate about gaming, crafting, music, books, movies and more. I believe that the table is big enough for everyone to have a seat and be treated with respect. I chose to focus on "Gender" because it is the one thing that I feel gives people some trouble, as I view the world. The gaming community is made up of individuals who have likely been mocked at some point in their lives for their choice in hobbies, regardless of their gender, and I think this makes this community an especially ripe fruit to pick for moving forward in gender equality.

There will be no "male bashing" here though. I will not tolerate any kind of nastiness from any side. I will remove any feedback that is not productive, such as name calling, trolling or otherwise detrimental to the process of promoting a caring environment. I want to work from a place of understanding and helping others to understand on both sides. Men and women are very different in a lot of ways, but we're also very much the same. We all want to have a life that is enjoyable to us and fulfilling. I'd like to help make that happen.

Gender issues are even more than just "men" and "women". There are those who do not identify with the binary gender paradigm. Additionally, when we open the gender can, we will be talking about sexuality, so if that makes you uncomfortable, I hope you will find other things here that will interest you. This blog will also look at things that range outside of gaming, but look at gender equality throughout the world.

As time goes on, I hope that this blog will be filled with interesting insights, discussion, sharing and information regarding all manner of nerd and geekdom goodies for all members of the community, regardless of which gender you identify with or the games that you like to play.

My parting thought to each and everyone of you who has taken the time to read this, thank you for being a part of my life, since the initial readers are probably all people I know personally. I love each and everyone of you for who you are and what you bring to this crazy bright world.