Friday, September 20, 2013

Saving the Galaxy One Planet at a Time

Back before Facebook and Blogger, I used LiveJournal, I know, it was the land before time, we owned dinosaurs as pets too. I loved the opportunity that LJ provided, where I could put down long tracks of words that ran on for hours and may or may not have said something important. I called my LJ "Saving the Galaxy One Planet at a Time" and I meant in the sense that change starts locally and in small, manageable portions. Time has moved on and the Internet has grown social media to a point where people of like minds and interests are able to find one another without leaving their home town, country or time zone. The sharing of information has become rampant, spreading like wildfire, moving so quickly sometimes you miss something you wanted to see and didn't even know existed.

I'm a pretty slow moving creature at times. Things pass me by, I have to think about them, digest them slowly and make them a part of my paradigm. I suppose that makes me a Sarlacc in a way. However, once I find something I really like, it is with me forever, a part of me. Somewhere in my past, I decided I really liked the idea of helping people. It first stared with the book "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle, the book had science mixed with science fiction and mitochondrial DNA. I can't tell you how many crazy places that book and mDNA have guided me - through high school biology, a Bachelor's Degree in Biology, nursing license, on and on. That one book made me who I am today, because I knew in my young 9 year old soul that through science I could successfully help people have better lives than what they were living right now. I will admit, I am the most surprised by this revelation: It seems to have worked. I may not be rich and famous, but I am happy with where my life has brought me, that every day I make the lives of others better by my own existence. Real people actually have more fulfilling and satisfying lives because of me and the work I do. All because of a YA Sci-fi/fantasy novel I loved and still love to this day. That book made all the difference in my life and the One Planet I live on right now and the sphere of influence I occupy.

Today, I challenge you, look at your life, what matters to you? What can you change? What can or has changed you? Who can you influence to make this a better planet to live on? Can you and will you help me save the galaxy, one planet at a time?

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