Dear Peter Jackson,
I loved your treatment of the LotR trilogy and I was very excited to hear you were going to film "The Hobbit". Like many I was quite curious to see what you were going to glean from the numerous secondary sources Mr. Tolkien wrote to pull out THREE epic films.
I was also delighted to hear that you were going to include appearances from The Nine in homage, they all seemed to really enjoy their time filming the original movies and who doesn't like to spend some time with their mates?
What I do not understand, nor can I really find a place in my heart to tolerate is your insistence at pushing Legolas to what appears to be a prominent role in the next two parts of "The Hobbit". I understand there is a place for him in the story, he could be conceivably the right elf in the right place. Story continuity is great. But now that I have seen the previews, Mr. Jackson, you have put more screen time into Legolas in the trailers than he should rightfully have in the whole film.
Please do not misunderstand me, my heart races a little when he draws his bow or wields his double blades, he is a magnificent elf who can eat crackers in my bed anytime. But he does not belong in these films.
More importantly, who are you to write fanfic and give him a girlfriend? You have taken such great care and consideration until now. What were you thinking?
Those who know me know that the presence of women in media, geekdom and nerddoms are near and dear to my heart. Nothing makes me happier than to see gender not be a consideration in casting decisions. But you have gone too far, Mr. Jackson. You have added a storyline that already detracts from the story and the movie hasn't even been released. Legolas' love life is not the subject of "The Hobbit". You have diluted your own work and for what?
I can assure you the women that you hoped to attract by this addition would have come to see a brief glimpse of Orlando Bloom revisit his former role and they would have gone home to happily dream up their own fanfic. We do not need your assistance in this matter.
What you have done has made me a very cranky potential viewer, because now I must endure your fanfic while I try to watch around it to see Bilbo infiltrate Smaug's lair, which is actually part of the plot of "The Hobbit". You have introduced an unnecessary distraction. I am disappointed, sir. I had hoped for better from you.
Nerd Girl
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